Thursday, 22 May 2008

First post on second blog!

The Bounce Higher Family Project is online! The family worker (meaning myself, Andrea, who's writing this very post :-) ), has now finally joined the rest of the blogging St Andrew's lot in communicating on the web, giving opportunities for families and family workers to discuss scenarios, share helpful tips and point us to other helpful resources on the web or in real life!

I am hoping to gradually build this blog to be a resource to encourage us all and improve our bounce! We can all fall over at times, and my hope is that we can support each other to bounce back quicker and higher as we meet and share our stories and resources!

Don’t be shy and comment about topics you would like to discuss and also of resources you’ve found!

A bit of background info if you're wondering what Bounce Higher is all about:

So; Bounce Higher is the family work project of St Andrew’s Parish Church in Bo’ness. The Minister Albert Bogle and his team applied for funding from BBC’s Children in Need to fund a family worker to do outreach work for families in the parish and the wider community of Bo’ness. So far Andrea Woollard is employed as the family worker and undertakes individual support to families and also facilitates a variety of group along with some great volunteers. Please make contact to learn more on what we’ve got on offer and opportunities to volunteer!

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